DIY Decal Workshops


We Can Facilitate!

Marsha, founder & creator has a 15+ career in art education, speaking and teaching and would love to meet your group or patients, inspire them with her story and facilitate an empowering creative Dhremo making experience. Reach out for pricing and availability.


For Patients – Design your Own Decals

What better way to empower your patients then to offer a design-it-yourself (DIY) decal experience.  Give patients a creative outlet while empowering them to make treatment what they want and need.  A great activity for group work or individually during those long infusion hours.  DIY Decals are available for Adults, AYA or Pediatric.  We can craft and facilitate your workshop or you can do so yourself with our instructional DIY Decal kits.  


For Groups - Design Decals for Others

Be creative while making an impact.  Now you can order Design-It-Yourself (DIY) Decals in bulk for your organization, fundraiser or event.   Create inspired “solutions” for cancer patients, and donate your decals to a local hospital. Designing decals for others is incredibly empowering, and a fantastic way to elicit empathy and compassion, ignite creativity and develop an altruistic mindset.  We can craft and facilitate your workshop or you can do so yourself with our instructional DIY Decal kits.  


Great for: 

Survivor Groups 

Fundraising Efforts

Community Groups

Schools or Youth Groups

Mission Driven Organizations

Religious Organizations 

Yoga or Spiritual Retreats

Conferences & Retreats

Professional Organizations

Medical Professionals